What is the chief end of man?
To glorify God and enjoy Him forever!
Like all of our other ministries, we believe that all people, regardless of age, need biblical, expositional teaching. They need to be confronted and challenged with God’s Word. Our youth group is no different. Each Sunday, our youth group students are exposed to roughly an hour of verse-by-verse, expositional teaching through a book of the Bible. The primary goal of each study is to help students grow in likeness to Jesus Christ and bring God glory. In order to attain to that goal, studies are designed with the following characteristics in mind:
- Bringing students face-to-face with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, challenging them to embrace Christ for themselves, not rely upon the faith of their parents.
- Bring greater clarity to the meaning of the biblical text and how the author’s original meaning can be applied to life today.
- Equipping students for ministry both in the church and out in the world.
- Equipping students with the knowledge and tools necessary for personal Bible study.
- Teaching students about the absolute sufficiency of the Scriptures for all matters pertaining to life and godliness, faith and practice.
- Providing students with an opportunity to pray for one another.
Youth group is available to high school students (grades 9-12). We meet Sunday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The night begins with a time of service in which the students prepare the gathering hall for Tuesday night AWANA. This is followed by a time of fellowship where students can freely engage with one another. At roughly 6:45 we begin our Bible study.
We encourage newcomers! If you have any information, please contact our youth director, Kyle Schmaling, at kyle.schmaling@gmail.com.
Current Study
The Gospel of Mark